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香港美商恒运国际货运(中国)有限公司珠海代表处- 基本资料
Zhuhai Jida
Miss Fan
香港美商恒运国际货运(中国)有限公司珠海代表处- 客户信息跟踪列表
Founded in 1984, EGL Eagle Global Logistics (China) has grown from a leading domestic freight forwarder to one of the leading providers of end-to-end supply chain solutions demonstrating core competencies in domestic and international freight transportation, integrated logistics management and information technology. 

In late 1995, EGL initiated a public offering and was listed on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol "EUSA" (Eagle USA Airfreight). 

EGL expanded into the international arena when the Company acquired London-based, S. Boardman, in 1998. Shortly thereafter, acquisitions in Latin America and office openings in Asia acknowledged EGL's intent to become an international presence in the industry. To maintain focus on global development, in February of 2000, shareholders agreed to officially change the Company name and stock symbol to, EGL Eagle Global Logistics (EAGL). And in July of the same year, EGL acquired Circle International Group, creating a worldwide network of almost 400 facilities and over 8,000 employees, solidifying EGL's presence globally. 

Due to fast growing business, we are seeking for high caliber candidates to fill the following vacancies: 
***Sales Executives/Sales Managers (x2)*** 

EGL Global Logistics, 即美商恒运国际货运(中国)有限公司, 总部设立于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿,是NASDAQ的上市公司,目前居全球领先地位的物流服务提供商之一,美国最大的内陆货运代理商, 美国第二大清关代理商,在2003年被评为"世界物流行业发展最快的公司","全球过去10年物流行业发展最快的公司". 公司在全球拥有400多个分支机构,10000多名员工,服务网点遍布全球100多个国家和地区. 

EGL Global Logistics 凭借自身雄厚的资金实力, 强大的全球服务网络优势和成熟的物流运作控制系统, 为世界各地企业提供综合的物流供应链管理解决方案和全方位的优质服务. 公司目前的业务范围涵盖空运, 海运, 陆运, 仓储,配送,清关,物料及信息处理,项目管理,第三方及第四方物流管理等.市场业务领域覆盖了高新科技产业,汽车业,电子业,零售业,公共电信业以及医药化工产业等.  


EGL Global Logistics目前已与位居全球500强前列的多家企业建立有良好的长期合作关系, 公司的主要客户有:英特尔, 戴尔、惠普、诺基亚, IBM, 3M, Nick, Cisco, Flextronics等. 

由于业务发展需要,珠海分公司现诚聘以下具有高素质、强烈上进心及服务意识之专业人士加盟. (Sales Executives/Sales Managers x2 工作地点:珠海市)我们将为成功的应聘者提供具有竞争性的薪酬福利、各种培训及发展机会. 请应聘者将您的简历发送到指定的邮箱,并注明您应聘的职位。谢谢! 

有关公司详细情况请查询: www.eaglegl.com 
Email: Spring.fan@Eaglegl.com